Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Desire to Begin Martial Arts Training...What's Stopping You?

Everyday, hundreds and perhaps thousands of men and women think about taking martial arts lessons. I know because I hear from them constantly, either by way of email, phone, or in letters mailed to the academy.

The vast majority are, more-often-than not, trapped in this "thinking about it" stage and will never take that next, most important step to making it happen. And, it's sad really.

While the reasons vary as to why each person wants to involve themselves in the martial arts...

1. Self-defense...

2. Life skills...

3. An affinity for the East or the concept of Warriorship, and...

4. Many more too numerous to list here

...the point is that each sees what he or she needs to feel more confident, powerful, or in-control of his or her life through the study and practice of the martial arts.

Why then, are these well-meaning individuals stuck in, what Dr. Seuss called, "The Waiting Place?"

Perhaps one of the reasons is that each believes that he or she must have certain skills or abilities before they can begin.

Perhaps they believe that their situation, with work schedules, a limited budget, or their physical fitness and level of health, is unique to themselves.

Maybe they believe that they should already possess certain life-skills like discipline, focus, and anything else besides their apparent heart-felt desire to begin.

And maybe, just maybe, they're afraid that others with more experience in the academy will make fun of them, or look down on them in some way because they're a beginner and don't know very much.

As a senior practitioner who has been involved in the study and practice of the martial arts for self-defense and every other reason listed here for over two-thirds of my life, I'd like to quite possibly be the first to say that...

You don't need any skills and abilities, life or other BEFORE beginning your training. You don't need to be in any sort of "perfect shape" or have rock-solid discipline, commitment, or focus, either. That would be like putting the cart before the horse for these are the things that you will be learning...

...as a part of your martial arts study!

No. The only thing that you need to match, what apparently is a heartfelt desire to begin your martial arts training, is a willingness to take that first step. And, where else, but as a "beginner" would you start? We were all beginners once and I think the best of us stay that way, in heart, mind, and spirit - forever.

I do know this, however. If you wait for the "right time." If you wait to be properly "motivated," or for your schedule to "free up," or to have more money...

If you... (fill in the blank for you)...

... It will quite-likely never happen for you and you will live out one of the fears that keeps me and many other successful people moving...

... the fear that, on my death-bed, I will regret NOT following my dreams - not living the life I always wanted.

You see, where most people are stopped by the fear of failure, the fear of fear, all the "things" that become the "reason" for NOT doing...

I am driven by the knowledge that I will forever regret NOT taking action.

So... It's time to decide.

Take action, or...

...live with yourself for not doing so.

The choice is yours.

To learn more about seminars, camps and other subjects related to the martial arts, self-defense, personal development & self-improvement, visit the website at http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com

To subscribe to the online newsletter, go to http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com/newsletter-subscribe-self-defense.html

Until Next time...

Peace and Happiness,

Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi
Warrior Concepts International
Self-Protection & Personal Development


"Real Training for Real People in a Real World!

Don't forget to check out my latest book, "The Karate-Myth," here

Friday, February 17, 2006

As a New Sun Rises...

Hello Everyone.

It's been a few weeks since I've posted. But, not for lack of interest in doing so.

What have I been doing? Thanks for asking.

As many of you know, I've been involved in teaching people, well, quite frankly...

...how NOT to die...

...for the past 20 years.

I've decided to make my knowledge and real-world experience available to those outside my local area and in forms other than just short articles on www.warrior-concepts-online.com and elsewhere on the net.

In that light, I've been busy over the past several weeks and months, coordinating several projects that, I'm happy to say, are coming along nicely.

The first project is the re-release of my video, "Danger Prevention Tactics: Protecting Yourself Like a Pro," on DVD.

The video was originally released by a less than customer-oriented production company ONLY on VHS. And, at a time when DVD was rapidly becoming the format of choice!

Ah well, you live-you learn.

If you haven't checked out the information for Danger Prevention Tactics, you can do so by clicking on the link. It will take you to a page where you can get lots of information that will help you understand the principles behind, not just self-defense (because there are no physical techniques for handling a violent assailant on this video), but using awareness to avoid and be able to escape from danger with the least amount of wear-and-tear possible.

Now, isn't that what self-defense should be all about?

Here's the link:


The latest project though, is my new book called "The Karate-Myth." And, I'm sure that this one single work is going to spark more controversy than anything else I've done to date.


Because it specifically tells you "Why Most Martial Arts and Self-Defense Programs Don't Work and What You Can Do to Insure Your Safety in Today's Violent World."

The fact is that, most so-called "experts" are missing the one vital ingredient necessary for teaching ANYBODY how to deal with a violent assailant. This one crucial element, if missing from the lessons you receive, can literally spell disaster for you in a real-world situation.

No matter...

How many step-by-step techniques you know

What color your "way-cool" karate belt is

How long you've been training

How BELIEVABLE the lessons were

Without it, you're literally playing with your life!

What is it?



Actual real-world experience handling real-world attacks from real-world assailants who want to do real damage.

It's not about winning trophies or earning the next belt.

It's about going home safely with as much of you intact as you can.

If you want to read more about this new, groundbreaking book, just click on this link and you'll be taken directly to it's page:

You know, every day there's more and more in the news about the number of people falling victim to assault, muggings, beatings, rape, and even murder.

The police can't protect you. I know. Because, I WAS a cop for almost a decade.

That's why I do hat I do now. I realized that I was always getting there AFTER the attack happened.

Can you imagine what it feels like, day-after-day, to always be looking into the eyes of "victims."

I rarely, if ever, did reports on "survivors" of attacks. Do you know why?

It's because THEY, themselves, handled the situation and didn't need me or anyone else to help them. I never even knew these incidents took place at all.

And, that, is what I teach my clients and students to do now. And you know what?

It feels great. Because, now...

...I know I'm making a difference in people's lives.

I'm finally doing what I became a cop for in the first place...

...to protect people from "the bad-guy!"

But, I can't protect them. What I can do is...

...teach them to protect themselves BEFORE that skill is needed.

That way, they are ready and ABLE should the need ever arise.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me. I hope you'll really take the time to check out my new books and videos at www.warrior-concepts-online.com

And, don't forget. You can also get information about other topics like...

The most powerful self-defense course that focuses on your natural responses to danger

Training Opportunities to increase your knowledge and ability to be safe and secure in today's world


The Japanese martial art of Ninjutsu

Until Next time...

Peace and Happiness,

Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi
Warrior Concepts International
Self-Protection & Personal Development


"Real Training for Real People in a Real World!