Friday, March 17, 2006

Key Moments & Phases in a Self-Defense Situation

How to Go From One Strategic Phase to the Next in a Self-Defense Situation - From Attack to Victory

(An excerpt from the book, "Controlling the Fight: The 5 Keys of Effective Self-Defense Strategy")

You know, when I first started learning how to protect myself, the training was almost entirely focused on the memorization and performance of the technique. What I mean is...

...the lessons revolved around the step-by-step mindset. Even testing was centered around the correct "performance" of the technique in question. But, that performance was tied more to duplicating a string of "moves" than it was on...

...the successful resolution of the situation based on what was going on!

I remember a friend of mine during those days. He was very good at the art that we were studying and much further along than I was at the time.

He was testing for his black belt and everything was going well. His "performance" was flawless - at least as far as I could tell.

Then, during the last part of the final kata ('preset fight scenario'), he changed the move from a strike to a shoulder throw. The throw was awesome and his partner never saw it coming. It was great!

He told me later that, everything was going along as it should be and he knew what was to come next but...

...something was "off" with what his partner was doing with that last punch.

He literally "found himself" executing the throw, and remembered thinking, "this isn't right."

Well, long story short...

...he failed that test.

I couldn't believe it. According to the judges - the panel of "experts" who were supposedly teaching him to be able to "go with the flow" and defend himself...

...He failed!

I didn't get it. I was in martial arts for self-defense, having been growing up in the inner-city and being beaten up - or threatened with harm - almost weekly. I mean...

  • He took a surprise situation,

  • adapted to it,

  • and still maintained control of the flow of things... a way that ended with him being the victor.

What more could you ask for?!

"Yes", said the judges, many of whom were our instructors, "that's true. But he didn't do the technique correctly."

Martial Arts vs. Self-Defense Training

This was one of the most significant moments of my life. When I realized that, the reason I was there for training - to not die in a violent situation - was not the focus of the training... least NOT at that school.

My friend's story also points to another pivotal point in my learning process when I realized that there was something more going on than just the punching, kicking, and whatnot, that makes up conventional martial arts and self-defense training. In fact, once I saw it happening, my mind shifted away from the typical orientation toward this "style" or that, and started looking beyond the techniques themselves to...

...what was being "done" by each move in a technique string.

The question I began to ask was...

"What's the logic behind the moves?" And, ...

"Why are the moves where they are in this particular string?"

And THAT is what this book is about. The keys, or bridges, between one phase - one strategic moment - in a self-defense situation, and another. The pieces of the fight that must be strategically managed in the correct order, and at the correct time, if you are to be successful.

What are these critical moments within the flow of the fight? Let me first tell you what they're NOT.

They are not...

...when you're fist makes contact with the surface of your assailant's body...

...when you lock his joints to immobilize him and prevent him from continuing to fight...

...when you take up your "way-cool" stance...

...the way with which you've been taught to hold your weapon,

...a hundred other "things" that most books, videos, and schools of martial arts and self-defense focus almost exclusively on.

But, they are not NOT these things either. And, if you don't understand what I'm trying to point out here, you won't see it.

Confused? Don't be.

The point here is that, behind the move or technique itself - the punch, lock, throw, etc...

...there is a "reason" that THAT particular technique is being done at THAT particular time. There is something that the technique is either doing 'for' us or 'to' our attacker that gains, maintains, or accentuates our control of the situation. In short...

...there is something that makes a particular technique RIGHT and APPROPRIATE for any given moment.

And, make no mistake here. We are talking about a scientific application of principles that work, and have worked for centuries. And, this science works...

...for whoever is knowledgeable of and in control of it in the fight!

What that means is this...

...if you know how to use this scientific application and make it the logic behind your strategic use of your skills and techniques, then you will probably win. If you don't and your assailant does, you will lose.

So again, what are these key moments or critical phases? They are...

  • 1) Your ability to assess your situation and understand what the assailant is doing or attempting to do to you.

  • 2) Your defense against his incoming attacks. This is your ability to neutralize the effect that his attacks were to have on you.

  • 3) How you unbalance him, physically, mentall, or emotionally, in a way that prevents your assailant from going on with his own strategy and literally puts him in a position of weakness.

  • 4) The actual counter-attack that you use to knock him back or take him to the ground. This is the phase where you actually take the fight to him.

  • 5) Your ability to assess the effect that your technique has had on your assailant and what your next move (escape, restrain him, or prepare for another barrage of attacks) should be.

In my attempt to learn how to really be successful at defending myself and others, I was lucky enough to find some teachers who could point the way towards many of these answers. Unfortunately (or fortunately, as this caused me to have to really look), we're not talking about the step-by-step mechanics of the "style" here, as these can be taught by practically anyone to almost anyone else. What we ARE talking about is something that cannot be seen unless you know what you're looking for. It's invisible to the naked eye but there nonetheless.

Just know this. Each of these critical moments - these keys - is an important, no crucial, element in any overall defense strategy. But, where the book "The Karate-Myth" focused on the big-picture defense strategy that lead from General Awareness to Actually having to Deal with the Attacker (remember?), what I'm talking about here is the little-picture strategy of phase 6 - "dealing with the attack."

To read more this subject, read "Controlling the Fight". It's as an added bonus to my latest book, "The Karate-Myth: Why Most Martial Arts & Self-Defense Programs Are Wrong"

Here's the link for both:

Don't forget that you can also get additional information about:

Women's Self-Defense Issues

Self-Defense and Martial Arts Weapons

Learning Ninjutsu Online

And, don't forget that you can learn about these Key Moments & Phases in a Self-Defense Situation by training with me at this year's Spring Ninja Training Camp. The camp is scheduled from June 2nd - 4th, 2006 and includes all training, lodging, meals - even a commemorative camp T-shirt! Click here for more information and to book your place at this powerful training opportunity.

Stay up-to-date and informed about all aspects of self-defense, safety, and how to live with the Warrior Mindset in the 21st Century by subscribing to the Warrior Concepts Online Newsletter while you're there.

Until next time...

Peace and Happiness,

Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi
Founder & Director
Warrior Concepts International
Self-Protection & Personal Development

"Master Yourself - Master Your Life!"

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