Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Reviving Old Articles

As many of you know, I've been writing for well over 20 years now. As a martial arts teacher and seminar leader, I've produced everything from articles about the martial arts and self-defense to manuals, books, and worksheets for my ninjutsu students.

I've just begun the process of reviving many of these older pieces of work. Looking at them, I almost can't believe that I wrote some of them. They make me really proud as I have had to change little about them when it came to substance and content. The changes, sadly, have mostly involved grammar and flow of ideas. Perhaps the writing skills have improved over the years.

Anyway. I will be releasing a dozen or so of the articles over the next month. They will be offered free at both the web site and through (If you don't find it on the main page as a new submission, just do a search under author for Jeffrey Miller and you should find them)

The newest addition to the free-for-use materials that I've put up is a 3-part series that focus on two Eastern metaphysical systems used to classify and understand energy and its phases. The articles were originally published about ten years ago in a now-defunct online Ninjutsu newsletter called Ura & Omote. I have updated them and posted them to the WCI site and part 1 to

I'll keep everybody posted as I release addtional articles in the days to come.

Dont't Forget! You can enroll in the new "Foundations of Mastery" e-Course at site-central. It comes with a subscription to the Warrior Concepts Self Defense newsletter. Current subscribers will already find a free link in the current and upcoming issues.

Well, that's it. Talk to you soon.

Jeffrey M. Miller, Director

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